April 10th, IRI Indonesia held a live-streamed talk show-style event for Muslim representatives from Islamic schools and organizations from across the country, including 30 in-person participants. The discussion focused on the need to include environmental sermons at mosques and to incorporate teaching about forest protection and environmental conservation at Muslim schools. As an outcome of the event, the Ministry of Religious affairs agreed to introduce environmental ethics as part of the curriculum in Islamic Schools and will provide didactic tools like animations and stories to familiarize children with the need to protect forests and the environment. This work will be done in cooperation with IRI Indonesia. Speakers at the event included Professor Dr. Imam (DMI-Secretary General); Hidayat Tri (MUI Secretary of Environmental Protection and Conservation); Ikhwan (Muhammadiyah Council of Environment); NU-Bustami (Advisor to DG Culture, Ministry of Education and NU Disaster and Climate Unit); Dr. Amich (Director for Religious, Education and Social at National Planning Agency/Bappenas); Dr. Umar (Director for Islamic Schools Curriculum, Religious Affair Ministry); and Dr. Abdurahim (Hidayatullah- East Kalimantan). A video of the event can be seen here.