Over the last month, IRI Peru organized a total of 11 Amazonian dialogues in four regions of the country: Loreto, Huánuco, Ucayali and Madre de Dios. The intention of the dialogues was to have candidates for Congress discuss their policies on the protection of forests and the rights of indigenous peoples, and to secure political commitments to act to end deforestation if elected. Links to the events can be seen here. Overall, at least 7 of the 10 benches of the new Congress participated through their candidates or local representatives in the Amazonian dialogues. Madre de Dios alone had a total of 9 live Facebook sessions (viewed by thousands of people) where candidates from each region presented their proposals for one of the regions most affected by deforestation and illegal mining. After the final results of the election, at least two candidates who participated in the dialogues were elected to the new Congress for the Madre de Dios and Ucayali regions. These dialogues were carried out in partnership with different organizations like PREVENIR of USAID, SPDA, ORPIO, URAU, among others. IRI Peru will continue working to consolidate space for dialogue with the two final presidential candidates and present arguments in favour of forest protection in the next Congress. IRI Peru will also now invite 17 members of congress to form an Amazonian parliamentary block within Congress and collectively advance laws and policies that protect forests in the country.