On May 12th, IRI Peru partnered with the Governors Climate and Forest Task Force (GCF) to hold a high-level dialogue with congressmen-elect from five regions of the Peruvian Amazon as well as representatives from religious communities, indigenous peoples’ organizations, civil society and companies. In the framework of the Pact for the Amazon, the congressmen were invited to form a Parliamentary block to enable coordinated legislative action in favor of the Peruvian Amazon. The dialogue included the participation of Luis Hidalgo, President of the Amazon Regional Commonwealth and Governor of Madre de Dios, Samuel Dyer, Proamazonia representative, the indigenous leader Oseas Barbaran, President of CONAP; Sister Ana Maria Palomino, IRI Ucayali representative and Jaime Nalvarte, Coordinator of the Peruvian Committee IUCN Peru. It was also attended by congressmen-elect San Martin Cheryl Trigozo Reátegui and Karol Paredes Fonseca, Rosio Torres Salinas and Juan Carlos Mori from Loreto, Luis Picón Quedo from Huánuco, Elvis Vergara from Ucayali and Eduardo Salhuana from Madre de Dios (representing two political parties). The congressmen-elect confirmed their interest in being part of the Parliamentary block. The Parliamentary block is a key element of IRI Peru’s on-going political advocacy strategy, which aims to encourage members of congress to align on agendas, plans and policies in favor of Peru’s tropical forests.