On June 18th, IRI Brazil sent an open letter to the authorities of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the government asking for the investigation and immediate punishment of those involved in the cruel murder of the indigenous activist Bruno Pereira and journalist Dom Phillips, as well as the adoption of governmental measures to protect the defenders of the Amazon. In the document, the religious leaders expressed solidarity with Bruno and Dom’s families and friends and called for the adoption of structural measures to protect indigenous peoples, local communities and defenders of the Amazon forest, such as journalists, scientists, civil servants and social leaders who work in the region. They also requested the strengthening and policing of the region to dismantle the criminal networks operating in the area, the restructuring of public agencies such as the FUNAI (National Indian Foundation), IBAMA (The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), and ICMBio (The Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation), and the strengthening of public security agencies. Reverend Agnaldo Gomes, director of Religions for Peace Brazil, Father Marcus Barbosa, deputy undersecretary of pastoral ministry of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), Pastor Romi Márcia Bencke, secretary general of the National Council of Christian Churches of Brazil (CONIC), Pastor Maruilson Souza, member of the Coordinating Council of the Brazilian Evangelical Christian Alliance (ACEB), Claudio Lottenberg, president of the Israeli Confederation of Brazil (CONIB) and Sheikh Mohamad Al Bukai, director of Islamic affairs at the National Union of Islamic Entities in Brazil (UNI) all signed the letter. The open letter was published on O Globo (online), in G1, on GloboNews, on Veja Magazine (online) and on IG (online). The news was also shared on the following religious media channels: Catholic radio stations in the metropolitan region of Campinas (SP) and the metropolitan region of Vale do Paraíba (SP). Rádio Aparecida’s broadcast was shared by affiliates all over the country. See links here: G1 | O Globo | Veja | IG | Rádio Brazil Campinas | Rádio Aparecida