IRI Indonesia participates in Expert Meeting on Faith-Based Environmental Action

On 27 June, IRI Indonesia participated in the Expert Meeting on Faith-Based Environmental Action, convened by the PPIM UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, in collaboration with the Dutch government. The meeting sought to map the “Green Islam” movement in Indonesia and strengthen collaboration among religious groups and institutions towards sustainable environmental conservation. While the movement has grown since the 1980s, it faces persistent challenges such as limited reach, low public awareness, and difficulty influencing government policies. The meeting sought to address these challenges by strengthening the theological basis for environmental awareness, integrating “Green Islam” into daily religious practices, and advocating for effective policies based on theological principles. The meeting was attended by several participants, including leading religious and environmental experts, government officials (such as HM Adib Abdushomad, PhD, Head of the Islamic Education Sub-Directorate at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia), researchers from PPIM UIN Jakarta, representatives of the Dutch Embassy, and activists from religious and environmental movements.