IRI Initiates Work in the DRC

Above: The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative delegation met with leaders of all major religions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo during the inception mission in May 2019. Kinshasa, DRC In May, members of the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative’s Global Steering Committee conducted an inception mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo where they explored with […]
IRI at the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 (TFA 2020)

Above: Cardinal Pedro Barreto speaks at the press conference of the Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 annual meeting. Credit: Tropical Forest Alliance 2020 Bogotá, Colombia In early May, Cardinal Pedro Barreto (Vice President of the Episcopal Conference of Peru and IRI Peru Advisory Council member) participated as a keynote speaker at the TFA Annual Meeting and […]
IRI at the Governors’ Climate and Forest Task Force (GCFTF)

Above: Rev. Edgar Castaño, President of the Consejo Evangélico Colombiano (CEDECOL), the national Evangelical association in Colombia, spoke during the Governors’ high-level lunch. Credit: Governors’ Climate and Forest Task Force Caquetá, Colombia In early May, Rt. Rev. Francisco Duque-Gomez (President of the Episcopal Church of Colombia and the Inter-religious Council of Colombia) and Reverend Edgar Castaño (President of […]
Forest Defenders at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Above: Hosted by actor and activist Alec Baldwin, the Forest Defenders event featured a panel of distinguished indigenous and interfaith leaders. Credit: Interfaith Rainforest Initiative New York, USA An event titled, “Forest Defenders: New Threats and New Responses” was held at UN Headquarters as an Interfaith Rainforest Initiative contribution to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. […]
IRI Event at the UN Environment Assembly

Above: Panelists presented the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative among other faith-based responses to the climate crisis at the UN Environment Assembly in March 2019 in Nairobi. Nairobi, Kenya In the middle of March, the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative held an event as part of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) which was moderated by Dr. Charles McNeill and included […]
The Vatican’s International Conference on Religions and the SDGs

Above: IRI Special Advisor Bishop Gunnar Stålsett greets His Holiness Pope Francis in March in the Vatican. Credit: Religions for Peace Vatican City, Rome In early March, IRI Special Advisor Bishop Gunnar Stålsett represented the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative at theInternational Conference on Religions and the SDGs at the Vatican. Bishop Stålsett briefed religious leaders in attendance (including […]