In November, IRI Indonesia delivered a two-day training of the trainers event for leaders from Indonesia’s religious councils. There were 23 participants, with three appointed by each religious council. For the training, four trainers led discussions on deforestation issues and religious communities; forests, climate and how religious leaders can get involved; working with indigenous and customary peoples; and how to develop training modules and good training practices. The second day of the training focused on presentations, sermons and training simulations in each house of worship. The training was held in the Indonesian Mini Park, which contains houses of worship from all of Indonesia’s major religious traditions. Of the 8 religious organizations on the IRI Indonesia Advisory Council, 7 participated, and plans are underway for a dedicated training for the one missing group (MUI). Online coaching for the trainees will continue in December, and several will be selected to support with the launch of IRI Indonesia local chapters in February 2021.