On 20 February, IRI featured prominently in the closing session of the International Society of Tropical Foresters Annual Conference, hosted by Yale University. Dr. Charles McNeill, Senior Policy Advisory on Forests and Climate, UNEP offered a presentation on IRI and joined Dr. Mary Evelyn Tucker, co-founder of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology, and Dr. Liza Comita, Professor of Tropical Forest Ecology, in announcing a new collaboration between IRI and the Forestry School at the Yale School of the Environment and the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology. While the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology is a founding partner of IRI, the new collaboration marks a deepening of work together on featuring IRI in Yale conferences and workshops, The Forests Dialogue (TFD), online courses offered through the Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative (ELTI), original research on faith and forests, student fellowships and internships, and dissemination of IRI educational materials and resources to other universities and academic partners.