IRI Indonesia is preparing to launch its latest provincial chapter in West Papua on June 22nd. The program sent a delegation of Advisory Council members to the province to meet with forest partners and government representatives to plan the launch event, including Econusa, PGI, KWI and the Governor of West Papua and 52 religious leaders. The Governor was presented with IRI Indonesia brochures and communications materials share background on the program’s mission, mandate and activities. The IRI team also met with the Vice Rector of Papua University, the West Papua provincial government and the Head of FKUB (Forum for Religious Communication) to discuss launch plans and agree on the launch event venue to launch the IRI West Papua chapter, the venue and program for the training of local religious leaders, and the experts and professors who would contribute to the launch event and training. In addition, IRI Indonesia is working to bring together significant players in the conservation scene including the Norwegian Embassy, the ambassador of the UK, the Indonesian Vice President, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency, to attend the launch and share their viewpoints on climate change and the actions to be taken to ensure that Indonesia takes the necessary steps to halt deforestation. Invitations have been sent out to over 200 individuals and to national TV channels like CNN Indonesia, Kompas TV, Metro TV, Papua TV, and TVMU (Muhammadiyah online TV network).