In partnership with the National Association for an Economy of Communion – ANPECOM and System B Brazil, IRI Brazil organized a learning journey and immersion visit to the Amazon. The visit was conducted in Manaus-AM, Belém, Bragança and Augusto Corrêa-PA, from August 27th to 31st and included the participation of 40 religious, indigenous, scientific and entrepreneurial leaders. The objective of the visit was to offer a broad vision about the characteristics and importance of the Amazon forest, the cultural richness and importance of indigenous peoples in the region, as well as successful restoration and forest management initiatives and sustainable entrepreneurship initiatives in the Amazon. The immersion experience included visits to Manaus, the Museum of the Amazon, the Association of Indigenous Women of the Upper Rio Negro, the Impact Hub of the Amazon, the Bacuri Farm, the Rota Amazônia Atlântica ecotourism project, the Caeté-Taperaçu Marine Extractive Reserve, and the Emílio Goeldi Museum of Pará.