As part of the Amazônia Viva Project – a partnership with the National Association for an Economy of Communion – ANPECOM, Sistema B Brazil and the Federal University of Rondônia – IRI Brazil held a series of four learning meetings from September 5th to September 27th. The objective of the webinars was to promote awareness about the protection of the Amazon and its guardians, and to advance a vision of sustainable development in the biome. Among the invited expert speakers were Adriana Ramos (Instituto Socioambiental-ISA), Paulo Moutinho (Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais da Amazônia – IPAM), Adalberto Veríssimo (IMAZON) and the indigenous leaders Myrian Metchituna-Tikuna and Ubiraci Pataxó. Each of the four webinars attracted more than 70 people.