The “Amazonia Viva” film, a 9-minute immersive experience into the heart of the Amazon’s Tapajós river region, was publicly launched from November 8th to 11th during Rio Innovation Week 2022. The film was exhibited in one of the main pavilions and seen by an audience of about one thousand (1000) people, receiving extraordinarily positive feedback with 93% of the viewers providing the highest score evaluation, and 7% providing second highest score. The exhibition also served as an opportunity for IRI Brazil to partner with the “Movimento Amazônia de Pé” (Amazônia Standing Movement) to collect signatures in support of a legislative proposal to ensure the protection of indigenous peoples rights in vacant public forests areas and to create Conservation Units that advance protection of tropical rainforests. During this exhibition, the film was also showed to Ricardo Piquet, General Director of the “Museu do Amanhã” (Museum of Tomorrow) in Rio de Janeiro, leading to ongoing discussions to include the film in the Museum’s regular program to increase its reach and potential for awareness raising and engagement of the Brazilian population to defend the rainforests an indigenous peoples rights. The launch of the Amazonia Viva film, both in the Norwegian Embassy and Rio Innovation Week was highlighted in sixteen (16) news channels, reaching more than one (1) million people, including O Globo (here), Tele Viva (here), Coluna Lu Lacerda (here), To em Foco (here), REPAM (here), CNBB (here), Yahoo (here).