IRI Brazil officially launched a new local chapter in Palmas, in the state of Tocantins. The launch event and training was attended by 30 religious leaders from Catholic, Evangelical, and Spiritist backgrounds who serve as representatives of an extensive network of churches and temples spread across the state. Together with the IRI Brazil chapter in Acre, the new Palmas chapter is developing an interfaith campaign aimed at combating fires and deforestation in the states of Acre and Tocantins. This campaign will span five consecutive weeks and encompass various activities, including training sessions for religious leaders, raising awareness within religious communities, disseminating messages on social media platforms, executing local impact initiatives, and fostering dialogue with public authorities. The campaign in Acre took place from July 3 to August 4, 2023, while the campaign in Tocantins will run from August 1 to August 31, 2023.