On May 23, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) sent its environmental counterpart a draft bill prepared by the state hydrocarbons company PetroPerĂș, which proposes to open Peru’s protected areas to hydrocarbon extraction, eliminating legal mechanisms and safeguards that have been in place for more than 60 years. IRI Peru issued an urgent statement, coordinated with civil society, the Ministry of Environment (Minam) and the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (Sernanp) to request the filing and rejection of this proposal. Also, together with other organizations, IRI Peru held a meeting with the Vice-Minister of Strategic Development of MINAM where they received assurance that the proposal had not been consulted in the Council of Ministers and that it would be evaluated there. IRI Peru issued a second pronouncement to request the shelving of a bill that did not recognize the presence of indigenous peoples in isolation. The bill, discussed in the Decentralization Commission, was subsequently dismissed and the commission inhibited from expressing an opinion on the subject. The two statements can be found here and here.