As part of the local and regional advocacy strategy it has been developing since August 2023, IRI Colombia trained more than 60 members of the municipal and departmental Territorial Planning Council of Guaviare through a workshop on strengthening forest commitments in development plans. The workshop included lectures on the functions of the territorial planning councils, the process of formulating development plans and the impacts of deforestation. The involvement of IRI Colombia members in the territorial planning councils offers them the opportunity to act as agents of social change that seek to transform social, economic and cultural practices that degrade the environment and forests. The territorial planning councils constitute a privileged space for citizen participation to influence the formulation of local public policies related to the protection and restoration of the Amazon biomes. Indeed, these councils have, among their functions, to formulate recommendations to the territorial authorities on the content and form of development plans. They are also called upon to give their opinion on draft development plans prior to their approval by the competent authorities, with clear implications for forests and land use.