As part of the working group on land and land use reform, IRI DRC participated in a coordination meeting organized by Congo Watch on 31 May. The meeting revolved around two bills: land reform, a bill that was examined at the level of the Political-Administrative and Legal Committee of the National Assembly during the past legislature; and the territorial planning reform, a bill that was adopted by the two chambers of parliament in November 2023 and transmitted to the President of the Republic for ratification. On land reform, despite IRI DRC successfully lobbying for the integration of provisions to ensure the protection of forests, the process of the law has not been completed. Recognizing that there is still work to be done, the following actions were agreed: (i) finalize a reference note on the proposal of the land law, (ii) consult with IRI DRC on the reference note, (iii) establish a Parliamentary bloc, and (iv) meet with Parliamentarians around the submission of the reference note. On territorial planning, IRI DRC agreed to prepare a memorandum advocating for the adoption of the bill by the President of the Republic based on the constitutional deadline.