IRI-San José del Guaviare in the C5

“Protecting the environment in our Amazon is a matter of urgency and shared responsibility. Governments, companies, civil society and each individual has a role to play in the protection of this natural treasure,” said Coronel Alexander Obando Sánchez, during the C5, Community Council for Coexistence and Environmental Citizen Culture, held on July 11 at the Cultural Center of the capital of Guaviare.

Representatives of the local chapters in San José del Guaviare attended this meeting, convened by the municipality in order to raise awareness about the environmental issue and the problem of deforestation, but also to publicize the strategies for the protection and conservation of the environment of institutions such as the Prosecutor’s Office, the Ombudsman’s Office, SENA and the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the North and East of the Amazon (CDA).

Find the complete July issue of the IRIboletín here (Spanish version).