In celebration of World Environment Day, IRI Brazil and the Federal Supreme Court (STF) signed a partnership agreement to launch the 4-D version of the Amazônia Viva film in Brazil,and to show the 3-D version in the Main Hall of the Supreme Court building for the whole month of June. The inauguration ceremony of the exhibit was attended by high-level representatives, including Minister Luis Roberto Barroso, President of the STF; Alberto Pacheco Capella, Representative of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Brazil; and Sister Irene Lopes dos Santos, Representative of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil and the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM) – all of whom recognized IRI Brazil’s crucial role in the protection of rainforests and the rights of Indigenous Peoples, while emphasizing the importance of implementing public policies that support such actions. An article on the inauguration ceremony can be viewed here. Throughout the exhibit, approximately 2,500 people saw the Amazônia Viva film, adding to the over 10 million people who have been reached by the film.