Convened by Visión Amazonía, of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, IRI-Colombia participated on August 1 in the day of dialogue with various environmental organizations, whose objectives were to reflect on the situation of deforestation in Colombia, to know the vision of the different environmental organizations that work in the Amazon region and to formulate key proposals. directed to the national government, of urgent policies and actions that should be carried out in the region, in order to achieve effective control of deforestation, preservation of the Amazon biome and sustainable management of forests.
Open and accessible monitoring systems for all stakeholders that allow them to make better decisions; ensuring the financing of the environmental chapter of the Municipal Development Plans; expanding networks of nurseries and agroforestry stations; to promote the training of forestry students; developing reforestation programs that strengthen local governance; develop programs articulated with other instruments that exist at the territorial level such as comprehensive plans for management and adaptation to climate change; and the recognition of the authority of indigenous communities and their territorial instruments, were some of the proposals made by the representatives of organizations.
In addition to the team of the Interreligious Initiative for Tropical Forests in Colombia, the organizations Parques cómo vamos, The Nature Conservancy, Tropenbos, Gaia Amazonas, Conservation International, Omacha Foundation, Fondo Acción, Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad, Fundación para la Conservación y el Desarrollo Sostenible, Fundación Natura and WWF Colombia participated in the day of dialogue.
In addition, José Yunis Mebarak, director of Visión Amazonía, presented an overview of the state of deforestation at the national level – in particular, in the Amazon biome – and referred to the priority areas for restoration and the Forest and Biodiversity Development Centers, areas selected by the government to carry out actions aimed at controlling deforestation.