The celebration of the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity in Cali (COP16), next October, represents a unique opportunity for the Amazon and its biodiversity. For this reason, the Listen to the Amazon alliance, of which IRI Colombia is a member, continues to prepare a series of actions and activities that will be developed within the framework of this important international environmental meeting.
To begin, he formulated the “Decalogue Peace with Nature for the Amazon region”, which brings together a series of recommendations for the protection of the Amazon biome and its biodiversity, addressed to both the national government and the governments of the countries that make up the Amazon basin and civil society. Some of the issues addressed in this document are the construction of an intercultural State, the control of deforestation, mechanisms and strategies aimed at mitigating climate change and the conservation of biological diversity, participatory planning and land management, environmental education, cooperation in the fight against transnational crime, diplomatic cooperation for the care of the Amazon biome, the commitments of the Belém do Pará Summit, the role of women in the care of biodiversity and citizen participation.
Likewise, Listen to the Amazon is preparing the document “Challenges and opportunities for Amazonian diversity in the face of COP16”, with which it seeks to focus on the Colombian Amazon region and amplify its voice so that its importance is recognized at the regional and global level, and attention is drawn to the urgency of working for the protection of its biological and cultural diversity. In this document, he addresses issues such as the role of the Amazon in the water security of the Andean region, its biological and cultural diversity, and the risks of the point of no return.
In addition, the alliance will hold the forum “Living and diverse Amazon, the biocultural approach to care for the largest tropical forest in the world”, whose purpose is to promote the importance of the biocultural approach to understand the social and environmental dynamics of the Amazon region, and its role in the conservation of biodiversity and the mitigation of climate change at the local scale. regional and global. The meeting will bring together representatives of indigenous peoples and Afro-descendant and peasant communities and will be held on October 21 in the green zone of COP16 (place and time to be confirmed).
Read the complete Spanish edition of the IRIboletín here.