The Dxemocratic Republic of the Congo is currently working on a revised and more ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) ahead of UNFCCC COP 26, stating that the country plans to cut its emissions by more than 20% by 2030 through forestry, agriculture, energy and waste sectors. To deliver a revised roadmap, national and provincial governments have established a framework for consultation and intersectoral coordination, creating an opportunity for civil society organizations to provide input and suggestions. The REDD Climate Working Group (GTCRR), the Circle for the Defence of the Environment (CEDEN) and Fern, a European organization dedicated “to protecting forests and the rights of people who depend on them” have set up thematic groups for civil society experts to present their position and thoughts on DRC’s NDC roadmap. IRI DRC has been invited to be a part of this coordination process and is in the process of providing inputs into the NDC.