Throughout July and August, IRI Brazil conducted a series of trainings for over 40 religious leaders on forests and climate change. The multi-day trainings included visits to CEMADEN (Monitoring and Natural Disaster Alert Center) and INPE (Space Research Institute) where participants learned directly from leading scientsist about the state of deforestation in the Amazon and the science behind deforestation and climate change. The training included senior religious leaders from nine different faith traditions (Judaism, Islam, Kardecism, Buddhism, Barhai, Candomblé, Catholicism, Protestants and Pentecostal Evangelicals) from ten different states, covering all regions of the country. The training also included six members of IRI Brazil’s Advisory Council, including Pastor Romi Bencke (CONIC), Reverend Agnaldo Gomes (RPPB), Pastor Maruilson Souza (ACEB), Reverend Áureo Oliveira (IPI), Rabbi Guershon (CONIB), and Ana Carolina Evangelista (ISER). A video capturing the trainings is available here. As a follow-up on the exchange, 54 religious leaders participated in an online course on the theology of creation.