On 1 December, IRI Indonesia conducted a focus group discussion to discuss and map out existing laws, legislation, and policies on forests and the rights of indigenous peoples and forest communities at the local, provincial, and national levels. The purpose of the workshop was to: (i) develop a list of challenges facing rainforests in priority regions, (ii) provide a plan of action needed to cope with identified issues (through a moral and ethical approach) and (iii) align IRI Indonesia work programs with the existing efforts of NGOs by empowering faith-based organizations roles to collaborate with the existing works by the NGOs. Participating organizations included AMAN, World Resources Institute, Walhi, Econusa, Perkumpulan Elang, Warsi and Forest Watch Indonesia. The workshop is expected to produce a road map and strategy for IRI Indonesia on where religious leaders can make a difference on advocating for policies that protect forests and the rights of indigenous people. The recording of the focus group discussion can be found here.