IRI Colombia advocates for approval of Draft Law on the Deforestation-free Cattle Production Chain

As part of the Listen to the Amazon Alliance, IRI Colombia contributed to the development and issuance of a joint statement on the Draft Law on the Deforestation-free Cattle Production Chain. Through the statement, IRI Colombia and other partners advocate for approval of the bill, which would directly contribute to the conservation of the Amazon rainforest and the management […]
IRI Brazil facilitates immersion for religious leaders on forests, climate

Furthering its commitment to strengthen the capacities of religious leaders in combatting deforestation and protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples, IRI Brazil brought together 40 diverse Evangelical leaders for a scientific immersion at the National Centre for Monitoring Alerts and Natural Disasters (CEMADEN) and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). The immersion garnered positive […]
IRI Peru submits proposal to establish a Transparency, Monitoring, and Accountability mechanism in the Amazon

At the invitation of the Governors Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF Peru), IRI Peru has been participating as part of a group of experts tasked with presenting proposals to the Amazon Regional Commonwealth to consolidate legislation and management of forests and territories for the Amazonian regional governments. Following coordinated efforts between the experts and […]
IRI Indonesia facilitates forest and Climate Youth Leadership Camp

From 1-2 June, IRI Indonesia, in partnership with Climate Reality Indonesia, facilitated a Forest and Climate Youth Leadership Camp, which brought together 54 young leaders from eight different religious organisations across the country. Through a series of educational workshops and interactive discussions, participants explored the complexities of climate change, particularly its connection to deforestation and […]
IRI DRC continues to advocate for land reform process with National Government

As part of its efforts to support the land reform process initiated by the Government of DRC in 2022, IRI DRC participated in a meeting of the Thematic Working Group 5 of Civil Society, which focused on legal review tools for land concessions over five hectares and validating contributions to the bill amending the current […]
IRI Colombia facilitates training and capacity-building workshops for hundreds of religious leaders

From 6-15 June, IRI Colombia facilitated trainings and capacity-building activities for its local chapters in San José del Guaviare, El Capricho, Charras Boquerón, El Retorno, La Libertad and El Unilla, in Guaviare; and in San Vicente del Caguán, Ciudad Yarí, Campo Hermoso, Puerto Rico, Bajo Riecito, La Soledad, Cartagena del Chairá, La Primavera, Remolinos del […]