IRI Brazil participates in meeting of the Permanent Council of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB)

IRI Brazil participated in the 13th meeting of the Permanent Council of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), held from 17-19 June. The event served as a critical opportunity for participants to reflect on issues related to the environment, the role of faith in combatting environmental issues, and the implications of the climate crisis […]
IRI Indonesia participates in Expert Meeting on Faith-Based Environmental Action

On 27 June, IRI Indonesia participated in the Expert Meeting on Faith-Based Environmental Action, convened by the PPIM UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, in collaboration with the Dutch government. The meeting sought to map the “Green Islam” movement in Indonesia and strengthen collaboration among religious groups and institutions towards sustainable environmental conservation. While the movement has grown since the 1980s, […]
IRI Brazil participates in 25th anniversary of National Policy on Environmental Education

IRI Brazil participated in the event commemorating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the National Policy on Environmental Education (PNEA). As part of the Federal Senate’s Green June campaign, the event focused on raising awareness on the importance of environmental sustainability to combat climate change. Carlos Vicente, IRI Brazil National Facilitator, presented the work that […]
IRI Colombia launches “Friends of the Amazon” campaign on World Environment Day

As part of its efforts around World Environment Day, IRI Colombia launched the Friends of the Amazon campaign, which aims to increase recognition of the program as a national movement dedicated to the protection of the Amazon rainforest and the rights of the Indigenous Peoples.The campaign brings together other entities and campaigns that work toward the protection of the Amazon rainforest, […]
IRI Brazil expands awareness-raising efforts through “The Will of God” campaign

IRI Brazil developed five videos for The Will of God campaign, which seeks to raise awareness on the spiritual responsibility to care for the environment, based on sacred texts and traditions of different religions. Four videos highlight fundamental religious principles on human responsibility to care for the environment based on Evangelical faiths, while one video focuses on African-based […]
IRI DRC secures commitment of newly elected parliamentarians to support civil society contributions to land reform process

On 21 June, IRI DRC joined key environmental civil society organisations (CSOs) across DRC to meet with newly elected parliamentarians in Kinshasa to discuss land reforms and land use planning. The meeting was convened to present the civil society organization Contribution Note on the draft law amending Law No. 73-021 and to secure parliamentary support for the reform process. The meeting […]